English Department
I. Objectives of the English Language Curriculum
The principal objective of the English Language Curriculum in the schools of Hong Kong is to provide every pupil with the opportunity to develop the maximum degree of functional competence in English of which he or she is capable, given the constraints inherent in the situation in those domains of use which are specially appropriate to the Hong Kong situation. The most important domains of use are the following:
a. English as a valuable asset in the working life
b. English as the key to communication with the world outside Hong Kong
c. English as one of the languages of government and officialdom
d. English as a medium of pleasure and entertainment
e. English as the medium of communication with other inhabitants of Hong Kong
f. English as a tool for study
II. Junior Secondary (F1-F3)
At this stage, from being essentially a foreign language taught as a subject in the primary school level, English now becomes important as a medium of instruction for many students. Greater attention will be paid at this stage to the needs of the learners for English. The role of English as an asset in working life, as a valuable secondary medium of communication in Hong Kong and as a tool for study will serve as important themes in the teaching materials. Yet, English as a source of pleasure and entertainment should continue to provide enrichment to the curriculum.
III. Senior Secondary (F4-F6)